
Entry For Contest!!!

Hi guys! This is my entry for the contest held by Onedolloutthere and The Doll Crafters! Click here to enter!!! I wrote this, so nobody steal it! :) It's about my life as a doll! By the way, the Italic part is me thinking.

My Life As A Doll

By Dollygirl

I was in dreamland, a magical unicorn picked me up and-"BUZZZZZZZZZ!" oh no, it was that stupid alarm clock for the humans, it always woke me up too. I heard shouts of "Come on, we have to get the concert early to get tickets!" and "Alright, alrighttttttt I'm coming..."! I was scooped up, given a quick hug, and the footsteps retreated down the stairs. I heard the door slam shut. Wait a second...did this mean I was...HOME ALONE?! I opened one eye to check. All clear, no humans! I sprang out of the cardboard box with the mini quilt that was my bed, and ran to the window. The car was driving away! I was alone! I ran to the end of the Big Bed and with a lot of effort managed to pull the lid off of a Rubbermaid box. I yanked it onto the landing, and put it at the top of the stairs! I cautiously sat down, then I gave myself a little push! Down I flew, going faster then the speed of light! I landed with a thud at the foot of the stairs, and ran into the kitchen for something to eat. Ick, they really needed to go shopping! Oh well, I'd just make pancakes. The pancakes were a little tricky to make, but I managed to make a couple and get everything cleaned up. I ate the delicious pancakes, they were heavenly! But then, I heard a car door slam. I gasped, and stuffed the rest of my pancake in my mouth. I grabbed the Rubbermaid lid and dragged it up the stairs. I threw it on quickly, and flopped down into my bed. Wow, I had made it. And just in time too, I heard footsteps approaching...I smiled to myself as I thought about what a wonderful morning I  had had!

Hope you like it!


Taryn or Molly???!!!

Hi guys! Soooo, I have some exciting news! Drumroll please......................................................................................................................................................I'm getting a new doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, I just got Samantha in May, but she was a present, so this doll I'm buying on my own! Wow, when I think about it, the only doll of mine that I paid for on my own was Abby! Please don't say I'm spoiled. Crystal was like $1 from a garage sale, so my parents said that they would just pay for it, Crissy was a Christmas present, Kit was a Christmas present, and Samantha was a birthday present! I love them all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, but part of the fun with playing with dolls is having a family, and making them all a house, and playing with them all together! I want a little help to pick, but if you guys all pick one, and I pick the other one, then please don't get mad! I just want a few opinions! Also, a note here, I probably won't be buying her until like the middle of August so I don't know, I may decide randomly (though I seriously doubt it) to just stick with the dolls I have for now and get a new doll in a year or so. So, here are the dolls!

1. Molly! Ok, so the problem here is that AG won't ship her to Canada, and I can't find any good ones on eBay. I adore her though! But I could always wait until next year or something.

2. Maplelea Taryn! A good thing about her is that a) she's $10 cheaper then AG b) The shipping is AMAZING! It's $9 wherever you want in Canada and whatever you buy! c) I heard that her hair is extremely easy to take care of, and I heard Molly's got tangled REALLY easily! Also, I like the fact that she's a Canadian girl like me!

3. Take a break from buying dolls.

Please comment which one you like! 1, 2, or 3! Thanks! Also, I know some of you are really big AG fans, so please don't pick Molly just because she's AG, actually look closely at both dolls (and think about option 3) and comment which you think is right for me!

Closing Create-A-Dolls.

I'm sorry guys, but I have to close Create-A-Dolls. I've been trying to make them, but whenever I try to upload a picture it says: "Whoops! Sorry, but we can't upload this type of file!" I'm not going to use another program, I've tried lots, but they just aren't nearly as good as Picmonkey. So unless someone can tell me a solution, then Create-A-Dolls are closed. :(


2 In 1 Thrift Store Wednesday!!!

Hi! Here's yesterday's and last week's Thrift Store Wednesdays! I just realized that I forgot to take pictures of the new furniture I got for my dollhouse! Oh well, I'll post them some other time! Oh yeah, and I managed to find some spare time to post this (you know, my last post said I wouldn't be posting until Saturday)!

Here's what I got yesterday (minus the dollhouse furniture):

I got a Disney Princess puzzle! Oh, and if you're wondering why Aurora looks funny it's because it's one of those puzzles where there's different pictures when you look at it from different angles!

And a Disney Princess storage bin! I'm going to use it for some of my summery toys!

And an AWESOME Disney Princess Cinderella ball (If you haven't noticed, I love Disney Princesses)!

Here's another part of it!

Left to right: A Build-A-Bear bag, a butterfly Slinky, and a plush Mazin' Hamster for Crystal!

And a ballerina Barbie, I'm going to name her either Courtney or Trinket! Comment which you think!

She has a GORGEOUS tutu!

I love her unique face!

And a Polly Pocket horse and rider! I love horses!

Left to right: A Littlest Pet Shop dog, Littlest Pet Shop mouse, and a McDonalds toy!

Left to right: A Polly Pocket dress, Polly Pocket shirt, another Polly Pocket shirt, Courtney/Trinket's brush, a PP (Polly Pocket) brush, a bottle xD, a PP hat, a LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) box of bones, and something that I'm not quite sure what it is!

A horse carriage for I think My Little Pony!

Left to right: A McDonalds PP, a little vintage doll for Crissy, a Strawberry Shortcake that originally came in a pool set, and a PP with a messed up face (my rescue project, she didn't come with the clothes, I already had them), and another PP, this one with no hair (my other rescue project, she didn't come with the clothes either)!

A LPS pet carrier!

And a Disney Princess stool for my room!

And on a side note, my library book! It's all about building stuff out of wood though, which I'm no good at!

The stuff I got last week:

Another mini Kit! Yay! My dad is really enjoying her!

This is Barbie and Stacy!

I love Barbie pleasant and pretty face!

I love Stacy's mischievous grin, and her cute little freckles!!!

And these are the best friends, Barbie and Stephanie!

Stephanie, look at the camera!

That's better!

The riding pants, brown leggings, black leggings, silver leggings, jeans...

...the purple skirt, denim skirt, white shorts, pink shirt, and purple white I <3 Music top... and white tutu, blue shrug, pink shrug, silver shrug...

...brown fringe boots, silver jacket, blue arm warmers, blue visor, brown belt... sunglasses, silver sunglasses, makeup brush... sandals, pink shoes, and silver shoes!

A close up of Belle (I know I got this yesterday, but the pictures ended up appearing at the end for some reason)!

A close up of Aurora!

And a close up of Cinderella!

Missy, Chemy...

...Sparkles, Pika (yes, from the Kanani books!), Rocky...

...Marshmallow, and Starburst (yes, after Chrissa's llama!)!

And a mini Malibu Barbie (why is this sideways?) for Crissy!!!

Hope you liked my Thrift Store Wednesday! Bye!


No Posts This Week.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I've been super-duper busy! Anyways, I can't post this week, because I'm helping teach the kindergardeners and the kids going into Grade One at my church's Vacation Bible School!!! Sorry! I'll post on Saturday! And if I get some free time this week then I'll do my Thrift Store Wednesday! Todays and last weeks! Last week I got an mini American Girl Kit Kittredge! I already have one, so I gave it to my dad, because he thinks my AG dolls are really cool!


Happy Independence Day By Kit and Samantha!!!

Kit: Blue
Samantha: Red

Happy Independence Day! Happy Independence Day! It's Samantha and Kit here to say Happy 4th of July! Dollygirl said we should do the post, because that little post saying "Yeah, Happy 4th, even though I'm Canadian" just didn't cut it! Because we're still kind of Americans even though we moved to Canada! So we're here to wish you...


We do miss America sometimes, but we've really cheered up because American Girl now has Canadian catalogs! And a Canadian ad! And a Canadian sweepstakes! So maybe sometime in the near future American Girl will build a store right here is Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're so excited! Dollygirl is planning on requesting the catalogs, and if a store opens in Canada, hopefully it will open in Ontario! And then maybe we could go! Well, anyways, HAPPY INDEPEDENCE DAY!!!!!! Yeah, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! Would you like us to post again? Comment below and tell us! Bye! Bye!



with a little help from

New Releases From American Girl!!!

Hi! I'm a little late on doing this (these items came out a little while ago) but anyways, here goes!

This locker is pretty cute! But you'd need a bunch to make a little school for your dolls, and then that money would really add up fast!

I love this! It looks so warm and cosy!

This is pretty cute! It matches with the jacket nicely!

A doll carrier for mini dolls! So cute!

I love this! And I think it's a great idea (I think there's like elastics to hold your doll in like a seatbelt) but lots of other bloggers are saying that they wouldn't ever put their dolls in it.

She's cute, but she looks a lot like #39 and a lot like #35!

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to put this new ad in, because it's so awesome! American Girl is finally reaching out to Canada! I've been emailing them for about a year begging them to have a giveaway for a doll in which Canadians can enter and asking them to include Canada more and now they are! WOOHOO! :D

OH.MY.GOODNESS. This has to be my favorite AG release ever! This doll looks EXACTLY LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you American Girl! I've been waiting for a doll that looks exactly like me for years! :)

This is adorable!

It's nice!

Ugh. Seriously American Girl? Do you know that you just made an outfit that looks almost exactly like Build-A-Bears funky witch outfit? And why are you releasing a Halloween outfit in the summer?

This is perfect! I hope to get it someday!!!

This is cute, I'm not a big fan of the outfit, but the hairband and the pet set are cute!

This is so cute! I love it!

Adorable! But...probably expensive :(

So cute! I love it! The skirt looks a bit like the one from Kit's meet outfit though, so since I have it, I'll probably never get it.

I love this! It's adorable!!!

So cute! Really trendy!

Now, a lot of people are saying they hate this, but I think they are completely wrong! This outfit is beautiful! I want it!

This is cute! I love the book!

Cute, but I'd want the food to come out.

Adorable! These would go perfectly with Saige's Tunic Outfit!

I love these! I want them in my size!

These are cute! I'd like to have them!

Awesome! Clip hangers!

I love this set, but the socks look like something Samantha should wear. They're adorable, but they don't belong in the MAG collection! The others are perfect though!
These are pretty! Purple is my favorite color!

These are cute!


I really want the light one on the left end for Kit!

These are cute, but they look kind of big on the doll.

Adollable! But I bet I could make one myself.



This one's my favorite!

I love this one too though!

Cute! Overpriced, but cute!

I love this! But I think that they should have used the new blue shoes instead of those pink ones, they don't even match!

This was definitely one of my favorite AG releases ever! I'm so happy that they released a doll that looks exactly like me, and I'm really glad that they're reaching out to Canadians too!