

Hey guys, I've got some news today and I don't really know how to say it...

I'm kind of upset.

Yeah. This post is going to be hard.

Um...Well, you see, people are copying me. My WITOs. I recently saw someone post, and they said what a great WITO someone did. Thinking it might be me. I clicked on the link. It wasn't.

I'm not going to name any names, but I started out by giving one or two people permission, and it spread like wildfire.

So, what I'm trying to say is, please stop doing WITOs (What I Think Ofs).

It all started with me doing a post on my thoughts about Caroline. Lots of people liked that post, and wanted more. So WITO became extremely popular on my blog, everyone loved it. So much that I created a page for requests. Not being able to fit What I Think Of in the title, I named it WITO.

I gave one or two people permission, and now I see tons of people doing it.

They took my ideas, my name (WITO), they even took all the little catch phrases I used to describe things.

If you're wondering why you haven't seen any for a while, it's because now it looks like I'm copying the other people. So PLEASE STOP. If you spread the word, unspread it. If you told ANYBODY, then tell them to stop. Send them a link to this post, because the WITO idea is COPYRIGHT DOLLYGIRL'S TREASURES. I'm so upset I'm even considering quitting. I used to love doing WITOs but now that I'm being copied, it's no fun anymore. Work hard for me, please, if you've seen anyone doing a WITO, or know that they've done that in the past, please comment on their blogs or email them, contact them in some way and link to this post. And from now on, everything on Dollygirl's Treasure is copyright. COPYRIGHT. If you'd like to use something like a photo, ask me permission first and then give me credit. Please don't think I'm being mean or selfish. It's just that I'm sick of people thinking that it's OK to take this idea without asking just because I told someone else they could use it in the past. And I'm sick of people suggesting to other people that they do WITOs. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. I'm extremely upset about this.


  1. Yes, I saw some people do this one their blogs. :(

  2. Hi!
    Can you please check out my blog?

    Hannah (The Super Dollies) and Morgan

  3. Hey Dollygirl,

    I know you're upset. It really hurts to have someone steal your idea without asking. But the thing is, we're on the web. We didn't pay to have copyrights on our ideas, we just started blogs on a free blogging site. That means that people who don't really care about other people's originality will go ahead and use an idea.
    But the thing is, they think that your idea was great! They wish they had thought of that idea themselves.
    I don't think there is any way to stop it. You could just ask those who use your idea for credit.

    Great job on a great idea! :)


  4. aww :( Im sorry this happened! :/ I know how it feels! I don't like it either!

    -Meghan at

  5. I know how you feel. It happens to me, and my mom says there is nothing I can do. It bothers me a lot, but I can't make people stop. Someone, who visits my blog, recently did a post almost exactly like mine, after mine, and hers was featured on Dolldiaries. It also is annoying to work really hard on your blog and some people don't comment. Yet when other people complain all the time in their posts, they get comments for that. It's like only the negative posts are recognized but not the hard work and dedication. Blogging can seem unfair sometimes. I am sorry this happened to you.

  6. I'm so sorry! I've done a couple, but I had permission from you. I haven't done them in awhile though. Only with the new releases, which I'd like to keep doing if that's fine with you. If you'd like, I could delete the ones I've done. I hate when people copy. It's happened to me too. If there's anything I can do, don't feel bad about telling me. I'm a pretty tough cookie;)

    1. It's ok, you had permission. :)
      Doing the new releases ones would be fine, as long as you don't use the name WITO/What I Think Of! And it''s fine, you don't have to delete them, but maybe could you update them and put a small thing at the bottom saying that the idea was mine? Thanks!
      Actually, I'd love it if you could comment on peoples blogs who do it, and tell them to stop, or email them. I don't want to lose any friends by doing it. But I know you wouldn't lose any friends if you just commented/emailed and linked to this post. :)

  7. Hi hi hi Dolly girl! It is Sabrina! I have not been able to comment because you did not let URL comments. But I got got a Google Account. Remember about a year ago you asked if I had a blog well I have a YouTube now! It is Aglover

    1. Hi! I missed you! I'm so glad! I'll check it out! :)

    2. Thanks will try to comment every post! It is a new YouTube I only have one video but more coming up!

  8. Hello. I want to say this as nice as I can, so please don't get angry.
    I saw your comment on my blog about WITOs. I understand it was your idea, but it's not "copyright". And I didn't copy you, I got the idea from another girl's blog (see the page). I included a link to her blog saying I got the idea from her.
    I wouldn't be angry about this if I were you, take it as a compliment.


    1. I'm so sorry! I know you didn't copy it! You had permission from her...I'd just have rather that she didn't give permission to anybody. Don't worry, I'm not angry! :)

    2. Oh okay, the comment you posted on my blog kind of sounded like you were angry. I didn't mean to copy you, I din't even know you were doing them before you commented on my blog. I'm still going to do WITOs because I like them, so please don't be angry. Oh yeah, thanks for following my blog!

    3. It's ok, I figured you didn't know! Would you mind not calling them WITOs? And could you maybe put a little thing at the bottom saying that it's my idea? :)

  9. Dear Dollygirl,
    I can't say how sorry I am! I will do a post advertising this immediately, and will either re-name my WITO'S to something else, or give you credit for the idea. Again, I'm really sorry. I'm still quite new to blogging, and didn't actually realise that the idea was originally yours, because so many other people I know were doing them too. Please let me know what you would like me to do.
    Your friend,

    P.S. On a happier note, I will probably be getting my own blogger account soon, so I won't have to use the family one anymore. Yay!!!

    1. It's fine, you didn't know. That's why I had to do this post, to let all the people know! That would be great if you could rename them and give me credit! Also, please tell people you see doing them not to do them anymore (unless they're giving me credit for the idea)! That would be great! :)

  10. Oops! For some reason the computer won't let me post it. I'm using the library computer because we don't have internet at our new house yet, but the internet's supposed to be working in the next few days, so I will post it as soon as I can. I understand how important this is to you!

    1. That's ok, do it whenever you want to, it's really nice of you to do that for me! You got a new house? Awesome! :D

  11. Dollygirl,
    Chrissa and I are very sorry to hear that this has been happening to you. We have had a few people copy us, too. Doll Delight's post 'Blog Basics: Copying' really helped us, so I'm attaching you the link:
    Elizabeth Grace

  12. Dollygirl,
    I have only been blogging for a little bit. A blogging friend of mine had a similar situation. I reminded her that imitation is the highest form of flattery. But after listening to her entirely I also understood the, "Hey, that was my idea" feeling.
    Really cool ideas tend to lead to memes. My book blogging friends have quite a few they follow: What are you reading Monday, Teaser Tuesday, Feature & Follow Friday. Almost everyone does a Throwback Thursday of some sort. Perhaps you can start WITO Wednesday and ask all those opting in to link into your blog for that meme.
    A new blog I follow has an interesting disclaimer. She had a long list of things others were not to mention including her dolls' names or post ideas. However, names are public property. I have a few doll friends who are named Melody. Doesn't make me upset and I wouldn't ask them to change their names. As I scrolled through her older posts I saw one about the AG interactive collage feature it was dated 10 days after my post. Did she copy me? Probably not. She found something great that she wanted to share with her friends. But according to her disclaimer I could have told her she was in violation of copying my blog. Another blog adds name and copyright to their pictures using fotor or another picture editing site.
    Please don't feel bad or quit. You have great ideas and style. You are a leader and inspiration. Twist this to your benefit instead.

  13. I have a blog called
    It hurts and just makes you feel like you can't trust them anymore when people copy you.
    I hope nobody copies you again, and if I see someone copying you, I'll tell them about this.
    Thanks for sharing your feelings with us!

    1. I followed you! I know. Thank you so much! <3


Hi! Thanks for commenting, always remember to be polite to others, never swear, please don't talk too much about religion, don't make fun of people, don't give out any personal information, please don't talk in caps, think before you speak, and HAVE FUN!!!!!! Also please keep the conversation turned to whats in my posts unless you have a question. And what I mean is don't have a personal conversation with someone else, any bad or mean comments will be immediantly deleted,. Thank you and have a great day!!!