Ok, let's get started! So, here is the award:
I love it! Here is the link for the wonderful blogger who started the tag: http://keepcalmandsparkle1099.blogspot.ca/
- When you receive the award, link back to keepcalmandsparkle1099.blogspot.com and the blog that nominated you
- Display the award button in the post
- Answer all of the 12 questions given in this post (Do not make your own questions)
- Nominate 12 bloggers
- Notify them that they have been awarded
Here are the questions:
- What made you decide to start blogging? My mom and my sisters had blogs, and I wanted one too!
- What is your fashion style? Casual, trendy, and sometimes girly!
- What is something none of your followers know about you? What I look like! Also, they probably don't know that I am obsessed with My Little Pony-Friendship Is Magic! It's a good show! xD
- What are some of your blogging goals? 100 followers, a million pageviews, and 1000 posts!
- Where is your favorite place to shop? Old Navy!
- What would your ideal amount of blog followers be? 5000 xD
- What are your talents? Um, I guess I'm crafty, I'm an actress, and I'm a swimmer!
- Are you a leader or a follower? Follower. Unless the leader was doing something bad
- What is one of your favorite quotes? "Be true, be you!"
- Do you have a favorite book or book series? I love Harry Potter, Inkheart, and SOOOOOOO many more! :)
- Out of all of the synonyms for elegant, which would you describe yourself with (smart - stylish - dressy - graceful - dainty - fine)? Um...I don't know...maybe graceful or smart? xD
- What is your favorite flower? I love daisies!
And I nominate...
DRUM ROLL PLEASE........................
Actually, I'm really late in doing this (sorry!) so anyone can do it and say that I tagged them! It's already made it's rounds.
Thanks again for tagging me girls!
Thanks again for tagging me girls!